
Owning a meaningful space on the internet

Having a space that you control

Owning a meaningful space on the internet, a place where you have full control has been a deliberate choice for me. Whether it’s my spirit of independence or the desire for ownership, I found myself drawn to blogging on my own domain, hosted on a private server. While I dabbled with other frameworks and custom solutions, I didn’t want to over-engineer or waste time reinventing the wheel. The allure of WordPress lies in its proven quality and ease of use, allowing me to focus on what truly matters – writing and sharing my thoughts.

Now, in 2023, I find myself here again, using WordPress as my platform of choice. This blog serves as a personal manifesto, a declaration of my belief in the power of writing to stimulate the mind. It’s true; the writing process can be challenging, especially the meticulous editing, spellchecking, and perfecting of posts for the public eye. However, I’ve decided to embrace imperfection and concentrate on the ideas that matter most to me.

While I may not craft the most SEO-optimized or flawlessly worded posts, my intention is to create a space for genuine expression and meaningful ideas. Writing, for me, is not just about the final product, but the process of thinking and introspection that it fosters. I hope this blog becomes a practice ground for my growth as a writer and thinker, and perhaps, in some way, the random musings shared here may also resonate and help others, just as I’ve been inspired by the words of different authors out there.

So here’s to embracing the beauty of imperfection, cherishing the joy of writing, and creating a space where ideas can flow freely!


